Quaker to head Church and Peace
Church and Peace, the European Ecumenical peace church network, has announced that Davorka Lovreković, a member of German Yearly Meeting, is to be their new General Secretary.
In its press release Church and Peace says:
“Church and Peace, the ecumenical peace church network in Europe, is pleased to
announce that the Administrative Committee has decided to appoint Davorka Lovreković from Hamburg to be the new General Secretary of Church and Peace.
Marie-Noëlle von der Recke will hand over her post into new hands after decades
of involvement as General Secretary and earlier Chair of the association. She will
remain closely committed to the vision of Church and Peace. There will be an official send off for Marie-Noëlle at the Annual General Meeting on 31st May 2013 in
Selbitz, Germany.
Davorka Lovreković is 50 years old, married, has 3 children and comes from a religious Croatian family who moved to Germany in 1966. After high school she studied Catholic theology for two years, later she joined the Quakers (the Religious Society of Friends) and has collected many years of experience in ecumenical and interreligious dialogue and work in committees.
Davorka Lovreković works as a mediator and skilled organisational developer.
Committed to nonviolent communication for a long time she has supported and
strengthened, communication and commitment in nonprofit organizations. Since
the mid-1980s, she has been involved with the German branch of the Fellowship of
Reconciliation, and until May 2012 was Vice Chair. She cultivated contacts with the
other European branches of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Since late 2010, she
has served on the International Committee of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, IFOR, as Vice-President. These relations will be an asset in her future
work in the international office of Church and Peace in Schöffengrund-Laufdorf,
Germany and will be very valuable in the network.”
FWCC-EMES congratulates Davorka on this appointment, and will uphold her in this service in the coming years.