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Global Quaker Worship hosted by EMES-March 2025

2 Mar 2025

Join Friends from around the world for semi-programmed worship hosted by the FWCC Europe & Middle East Section.

This is the first of four online Global Quaker Worship meetings which will be held in 2025, hoping to continue and strengthen the hybrid community we created in August 2024 at the World Plenary Meeting. All are welcome!

We will meet for semi-programmed worship where we will hear prepared ministry from Friends about what it is like to be a Quaker in their country which will lead us into a period of unprogrammed worship. The worship will be followed by an opportunity to meet and get to know Friends from around the world in small groups. The whole meeting will last approximately 90 minutes.

Click here to register

The meeting will begin at the following time:
Africa Section
15.30 Cape Town
16.30 Nairobi

Asia West Pacific Section
19.00 Delhi
21.30 Manila
00.30 Melbourne (Monday 3rd March)
02.30 Auckland (Monday 3rd March)

Europe & Middle East Section
13.30 Britain, Iceland, Ireland & Portugal
14.30 CET (Berlin, Florence, Paris, Prague, Stockholm, Warsaw etc.)
15.30 EET (Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Tallinn etc.), Lebanon, Palestine
16.30 Moscow
17.30 Georgia

Section of the Americas
05.30 Seattle
07.30 Chicago
08.30 Havana, Philadelphia
09.30 La Paz

Check the time of our meeting where you are

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