You can make a donation or payment to EMES in Euros or British Pounds (Sterling).
Bank transfer
Payments in Euro
EMES account at Wise:
Account Name: FWCC-Europe & Middle East Section
IBAN: BE33 9672 0215 6046
Payments in Sterling
EMES account at CAF Bank:
Account Name: FWCC-EMES
IBAN: GB03 CAFB 4052 4000 0255 78
Sort Code: 405240
Account Number: 00025578
If you have any questions about making a transfer, or would like to let us know that you have transferred funds please email us.
By cheque
Sterling only
Please make cheques payable to FWCC-EMES and post to:
PO Box 18578
B30 9GH
United Kingdom
For UK tax payers wishing to add Gift Aid to their donation, please request a Gift Aid form if you have not already signed one for EMES. CAF vouchers made out to FWCC-EMES can also be sent to the above address.