Ministry and Outreach in our Section
The EMES Ministry and Outreach (M&O) Programme was created in 2008 with dedicated funding from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) Due to changes in funding, staffing, and travel since the COVID-19 pandemic, we no longer see the M&O as a separate project of EMES but integrated into all the work that we do. What follows is a summary of the M&O programme before 2020 – and how our work in this area continues to today.
Ministry and outreach serve to nurture and support the spiritual lives of Friends, individually and corporately, as well as to strengthen outreach efforts across the Section. EMES staff and roleholders work closely with Quaker Meetings, groups and isolated Friends to offer a variety of resources and opportunities for both online and face-to-face learning and fellowship. Some examples include:
We increasingly offer opportunities for online worship and connection, including:
- Weekly worship to pray for peace and an end to war
- Monthly Representatives and Roleholders Meetings and Worship
- Isolated Friends and International Member Gatherings (3 times a year)
- Support Circles coordinated by EMES Elders
We run a Quaker in Europe course in coordination with Woodbrooke, a 7-week online introductory course that is available in many different languages.
Intervisitation and travelling in the ministry have been central to Quaker life since the 17th century and continue to be so today. EMES encourages Friends to visit each other for mutual learning and support, and it helps identify and equip Friends to travel on behalf of EMES to Quaker Meetings that need support or nurture for various reasons. The experience of earlier Visiting Friends can be accessed through the Information Resource in preparation for visits of various kinds. Friends who intend to travel within the Section are encouraged to inform EMES staff, so that we can remain aware of groups and isolated Friends who have been visited.
EMES encourages and supports Quaker groups in making use of the EMES Spiritual Growth Fund. This fund exists to help strengthen Quaker identity and community and to bring Quaker values to the wider community. Quaker groups are encouraged to apply for funding for projects that meet these criteria. EMES staff can suggest projects that specifically link with its our Section goals and are prepared to support Meetings that are interested in exploring project proposals.
if you would like more information about any of this work please get in touch with the EMES staff.