Peace and Service Network
The Peace and Service Network (formerly “Consultation”) is a longstanding group connecting Quakers who are involved in work that could be described as peace and/or service.
This predominantly means staff, volunteers and board members from Quaker organisations, individual Quakers involved in non-Quaker organisations, as well as individual activists. During the 2022 Consultation, the network formally accepted changing its name to the Peace and Service Network and adopted terms of reference and a coordinating committee to its work. Full minutes from that gathering can be downloaded here
The Peace and Service Network maintains communications in several ways:- A Google group that all participants can contribute to (see below to sign up)
- Monthly Zoom sessions (more below)
- Occasional speakers from inside and outside the Network
- An annual gathering
- Updates on our activities and/or activism
- The war in Ukraine and conversations about Conscientious Objection
- The war in Gaza and responses/peacebuilding efforts
- Just Peace as an alternative to Just War
Peace and Service Network monthly online sessions are usually on the second Thursday of the month, alternating between daytime and evening.
Daytime sessions start at 13.00 Central European Time.
Evening sessions at 19:00 CET (There is no meeting in August and October)
(please note that due to Daylight Savings Time changing at various times across the Section, it is best to view our Calendar page for the most up-to-date times each month in your area)
9th January (mid-day)
13th February (evening)
13th March (mid-day)
10th April (evening)
15th May (mid-day)
12th June (evening)
10th July (mid-day)
August (none)
11th September (evening)
3rd to 5th of October 2025 Annual Gathering in Paris
13th November (mid-day)
11th December (evening)
At the annual meeting in November 2020 over 30 participants heard Judith Moran, director of Quaker Social Action, address the Consultation on finding resilience. Nadja Schnetzler, of Word and Deed, led two workshops. One on principles of collaboration and another helping the Consultation to find ways to work together and issues to prioritize.
At the annual meeting in November 2021 30 participants were guided by facilitator Tracey Martin to review their communications and challenge assumptions they make while communicating.
The 2022 annual gathering, held for the first time in 3 years both online and in person in Bad Pyrmont, Germany, brought together 37 Friends from 15 countries. Philip Austen, Jez Smith and Paul Holdsworth shared about the history and future of the Consultation and Network, Kate McNally (whose photo is included at right) and Oliver Robertson of Quaker Peace and Social Witness explored the topic “Service as Witness” while Tracey Martin challenged us to consider how we walk humbly with each other in our work.
The annual gathering in 2024 brought almost 30 Friends together online. We heared about anti-semitism in Russia and the slavic region, listened to the stories of deserters and consciencious objectors, learned about a coding project that is giving them new career perspectives and heared about the current situation of Ramallah Friends Highschool.
Examples of Quaker Peace and Service organisations whose staff, board members or volunteers participate include (listed alphabetically):
Africa Interest Group in Britain Yearly Meeting
American Friends Service Committee
Church and Peace
Coalition Work with Psycho-trauma and Peace
Friends House Moscow
Friends of Ramallah Friends Meeting Quakers
Irish Quaker Faith in Action
Kväkarhjälpen – Quaker Service Sweden
Northern Friends Peace Board
Quaker Hulpfonds Netherlands
Quaker Roots, UK
Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) Geneva
Quaker Council for European Affairs
Quaker Peace and Social Witness
Quaker Voluntary Action
Stop Fuelling War
Sweden Yearly Meeting Peace Committee
To participate in the Peace and Service Network, email Julia Walloch, EMES Communication and Networking Coordinator