Quaker Activity in the Middle East
This is a new page which we are still developing. If you would like to suggest any additions to the page please contact EMES staff.
There are many ways that you can get involved with Quaker work in the Middle East and we hope these links will help you.
Quaker Meetings for Worship
If you’re travelling to the Middle East, you can look up local Quakers in a few places.
There are two regular meetings for worship:
Brummana, Lebanon
Ramallah, Palestine
Other places in the Middle East with a Quaker contact include:
Cairo, Egypt
Dubai, UAE
Quaker Schools
Brummana High School
Ramallah Friends School
Other Quaker organisations working in the region
American Friends Service Committee
EAPPI UK & Ireland blog
Quäker-Hilfe Stiftung
Middle East news from Quakers across the Section
Shadi Khoury case- Rania Elias and Rania Maayeh address the EMES Peace and Service Network (from FWCC EMES YouTube channel, December 2022)
Israeli government’s attacks on six Palestinian civil society groups must be resisted (Quakers in Britain, 26 October 2021)
Irish Friends of Brummana (Quakers in Ireland, 5 November 2021)