Quaker Witness
Friends House Moscow
Works for social justice based on our Quaker belief in the presence of God in each individual.
Quaker Council for European Affairs
Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) promotes the values of Quakers in Europe. This site contains information on their news, current actions and how you can get involved.
Quaker International Educational Trust (QuIET)
QuIET is a UK registered charity and Quaker recognised body. QuIET owns the buildings and land at Brummana High School (BHS) in Brummana, Lebanon, exercises oversight and appoints governors. It also raises funds for BHS and for Friends United Meeting in the United States who own and oversee Ramallah Friends School in Palestine.
Quaker United Nations Office
The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) represents the views and interests of Quakers at the United Nations. Since the founding of the UN in 1945, Quakers have shared that organisation's aims and supported its efforts to abolish war and promote peaceful resolution of conflicts, human rights, economic justice and good governance. Find out about recent issues and reports and how you can get involved.
Quaker Voluntary Action
Quaker Voluntary Action (QVA) creates and operates voluntary service opportunities across Europe that respond to locally-identified social needs. Find out about current projects here.
Quakers in the World
Quakers in Action tells the story of the many different ways in which Quakers/Friends all over the world have put their testimonies into practice, from their origin in 1652 England to the present.
Ramallah Friends Meeting
The Meeting is a beacon of hope in the heart of Palestine. Through Ramallah Friends Meeting and its ministries, there is a hub in which community and sanctuary are experienced by concerned persons, both those living in the region and the many visitors from around the world who come to worship and to learn. A vibrant Meeting for Worship meets weekly in the beautiful 1910 Meetinghouse, where all are invited to encounter God and one another. Mid-week Meeting for Worship includes a shared meal and is (typically) held on the third Thursday of each month. As the spiritual home for Friends and many others, the Meeting strives to build a culture of peace and nonviolence in a complex land.
Quakers in Europe and Middle East
Quaker Concern for Animals (QCA)
Quaker Concern for Animals witnesses to the divine in all creation and works for the protection of animals and the promotion of their rights.
Europe & Middle East Young Friends
Europe and Middle East Young Friends (EMEYF) builds closer links, encouraging exchange on spiritual matters and international friendship between Quakers aged 18-35 living in these areas. Find out how you can get involved here!
Woodbrooke-EMES Online Meeting for Worship
Woodbrooke and EMES run online Meetings for Worship throughout the week. You can meet and worship online with Friends from around the world!
Quaker Learning
Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre
Woodbrooke is the Quaker Study Centre in the UK. They offer a number of short and long-term courses based around exploring Quakerism and the themes of interest to Quakers, such as Peace and Reconciliation, Quaker History and Spiritual Journeys. Learn more here.
FWCC Asia West Pacific Section
Quaker Australian Centre
Australian Quaker Centre: Silver Wattle Quaker Centre, established near Canberra in 2009, offers courses, retreats and stays for Quakers and serious seekers of all faith traditions.