Read about Quaker beliefs and practices in
Meeting the Spirit
- Introduction
- 1. Basic Quaker beliefs
- 2. Quaker meetings
- 3. Quaker testimonies
- 4. Quaker structures
- 5. World family of Friends
- 6. Life and development of small worship groups
- 7. Bibliography
7. Bibliography
The following books, brochures and leaflets were used to edit the text of this publication. Most of these titles are still available from the Friends Book Centre and the FWCC World Office in London or Friends General Conference in Philadelphia (addresses below).
Quaker by convincement, by Geoffrey Hubbard. Pelican, London, 1974. (Reprint with corrections by Quaker Home Service, London, 1992)
Quaker organisation – a plain person’s guide, Barry Wilsher. Quaker Home Service, London, 1986.
A Light that is shining, Harvey Gillman. Quaker Home Service, London, 1997.
An introduction to the life and works of George Fox, Christian Barclay. Bishopsgate Press, London, 1989.
Quaker faith & practice – the book of Christian discipline of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain, London, 1995.
Quakers around the world – Handbook of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Handbook of the Religious Society of Friends with descriptions of yearly meetings and groups, Quaker schools, study centres, periodicals and libraries. FWCC World Office, London, 1994.
Cheerfully over the world – Handbook for isolated Friends. International Membership Committee, FWCC World Office, London, 1988.
Friendly answers to questions about American Quakers. Leaflet published by FWCC Section of the Americas, Philadelphia, 1991.
“Introducing Quakers” Gordon Browne. Leaflet published by Pendle Hill College, Philadelphia, 1992.
Leaflets published by Quaker Home Service:
- The Quaker Way
- Friends and concern
- Quakers and the Bible
- Quaker worship
- Quakers and testimonies
Leaflets published by Friends General Conference:
- Friends and the Bible, Henry J. Cadbury
- Friends and God, Mary Blackmar
Published by:
FWCC Europe & Middle East Section
Paper copies can be obtained from the above address. Price:
UKPounds 1,50 / SFR 3,00 / DM 3,50 / NLG 4,00 (excl.postage)
UKPounds 2,25 / SFR 4,50 / DM 5,25 / NLG 6,00 (incl.postage)
July 1997