Marigold Bentley on work in Israel and Palestine
Over 30 F/friends from around the Section attended the EMES Peace and Service Network online meeting in January 2023. They heard British Quaker Marigold Bentley talk about Quaker peace efforts in Israel / Palestine, an issue she has worked on for forty years. Over the years, these have included political and economic campaigns, exchange schemes, educational projects (including support for the Brumanna and Ramallah Friends Schools) and establishing the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) which is now a project of the World Council of Churches.
Whilst recognising that the Israel-Palestine situation is a polarising issue, about which it is hard to have unemotional conversations, Quakers have not shied away from bearing witness there to open difficult but necessary conversations, including with other faith groups. Marigold concluded her remarks with some words of encouragement, drawn from her own experience, for all who work for a more peaceable world. Here is our selection:
- Quakers don’t run away from difficult issues, we jump right in.
- Our work must have a human face – we must meet people who are angry with us. But don’t be browbeaten by the conviction of those who think that killing is the way forward – listen to where their anger comes from. Prepare well when dealing with angry people in order to keep yourself safe, and stay calm.
- Know what you stand for as well as what you are against. Be clear and positive and articulate what Quakers are striving towards. Always have language to say what we want for humanity. Be able to point to the positive result of peacemaking in our lifetime.
- Never assume that progress in peace and human rights is always positive – things can go backwards – so we need to keep alive the arguments: Why is this important? Why does it matter?
- Surround yourself with wise people to confer with. Be very careful on social media – what you write may be there forever.
- Don’t shy away from the enormous cost of peace – it is still cheaper than war.
- Live the peace you proclaim.
Everyone is welcome to meetings of the EMES Peace and Service Network. You can find more information about the network here: